Photo: Barcelona

I visited Barcelona over the weekend.  I really loved the city.  I got to see all the big sites, have some really good food, and meet some really great people.  And there were these giant pasta shells around the city.  I didn't get a great photo of them, but I snapped this one. 

The pasta, called galets, were there because of a traditional Catalan soup with this type of pasta which is served around Christmas.  There's also a tradition of kids beating a Christmas log with a stick to get their presents.  I only half-understood that custom as it was explained to me in Spanish and broken English.

Photo: Madrid

Pork delivery at the local meat and cheese shop.

Photo: New York

I unexpectedly had a day to kill in New York thanks to flight issues. In Union Square I came across The Andy (Warhol) Monument. A sign nearby says it's only temporary. Is it possible to have a temporary monument?

Photo: Boston

Being done with classes means there's time for a quick trip to Boston.
The good old Red Line.

Photo: New Haven

I'm done with exams and off for a few weeks away from campus. See you
soon, New Haven.