Bad Driver

A New Yorker's license plate. Is that a confession for past
transgressions? Maybe a preemptive apology?


Park Avenue shuts down Saturday morning. Just pedestrians, runners,
and bikers from the park down to the Brooklyn Bridge. Here's the spot
where the road snakes around Grand Central.

Ceci n'est pas une pipe

This is not a window...

From a church in Cambridge. A boarded up opening in the old building's brick facade.


Coldplay in Hartford on Saturday. Good concert with a confetti encore

"It's ALL advertising"

Hmmm. A site that proclaims itself the marriage of MTV and QVC... online shopping combined with high quality videos of the products in question presented in a jumpy, raw style that my generation is into. The site's so-called "sizzle reel" says it all;

"It's not another media platform supported by advertising. It's ALL advertising."

Thank goodness, because I was fed up with the last media platform supported by advertising.