World Cup anywhere

I'm loving the fact that I can catch the World Cup matches just about anywhere and that I can catch any game for a quarter. (Sometimes the morning game costs half that... it's the matinee showing, I guess.) Countless businesses have a TV set up in the main room or out back. Little roadside cell phone shacks set them up in the shade. Families will even just invite people in to the living room.

So that means there's no excuse not to catch every game. Except if the power goes out, which actually happens just about every day.

In this picture from downtown Freetown there's a chalkboard in the foreground announcing the day's games. In the background is the Cotton Tree, the center of downtown and an important landmark.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jealous!! B's watching Argentina/SKorea on tape delay downstairs b/c watching live at 4:30am wasn't a serious option.