Next Party

The next party is happening! It's somewhat related to current events (The screenshot on the right tells you I'm talking about the economy, not the flu.) I'm looking forward to it and hope it's not too much of a costume party. I think the drab colors portray the sense of hopelessness out there.

Here's the link.


The Dude is using a robot to build a brick wall for an architecture
school project. The precision is amazing, yet the robot is very
"dumb" and can't cope if things are out of place by a few
centimeters. This fact was actually somewhat comforting because we
imagined the robot dropping the bricks and coming after us. You can
just barely see the slight lean of the wall if you look closely at the
left edge.

Pulled Pork

Trimming 7 pounds of meat for pulled pork. Don't try this at home
(it's not kosher.)