Trying to be profound

I feel like I should have something deep and meaningful to say about this summer, since it was (as this website has hopefully shown) a pretty cool summer. As I think I've shared before, my experiences as a camp counselor this summer were at once exciting, scary, enlightening, challenging, tedious, eye-opening, exhausting, and rewarding. I really feel that I learned some valuable lessons that were only possible in the camp environment. For example, I had the unique opportunity to work closely with with teens which really taught me a lot, though at times I wanted to pull my hair out. I got the chance to work as a team with with fellow counselors who offered me support and friendship, which I'm totally thankful for. Finally, (and I feel most importantly,) camp gave me a chance to have a lot of fun. I know that there's going to be "fun" out in the real world, but having a summer filled with an overload of activity every single day was definitely a good time. There's so much I could say about camp, but there's no good way to write it all down, so I'll leave it at that. This summer was a good time.

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