(Sort of) Home for the Holidays

Despite not being able to come to California for my birthday (also Jesus' birthday and the first night of Hanukkah) I did make it home for New Year's (and the tail-end of Hanukkah). I spent New Year's Eve in SF with a bunch of friends and had a really great time.

I spent my birthday with Dan and his family. It was really nice and really low-key. The day consisted of sleeping in, unwrapping presents, making cookies, eating cookies, eating dinner, eating more cookies, and finally passing out. So whether you were partaking in Aaron's birthday or Christmas, it was a pretty good day.

...Back to life in California. All the raining and flooding that have been on the news haven't really affected me too much. Although I did run through some massive puddles the other day, and my run was cut short because an over-flowing creek had closed the trail. Also, an orange tree and tangerine tree came down in our backyard. It seems kind of crazy to me that these storms are worthy of being national news. I swear these big rains happen every couple years, and I don't see why they're such big news this time around.

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