Kenyan Safaris

Our trip started off with a safari, visiting two parks where we saw lots of animals. It was great to see all those animals up close, just hanging around. We all agreed that it was nice to take photos, but really, we could just find professional pictures if we wanted to see nice specimens of these animals. Regardless, here's a few from what we saw:

Giraffes. We saw a bunch of these. They're really pretty funny looking when you think about it.

Lions. We saw a couple groups of lions. The only reason this guy is walking around is that I think we interrupted his midday nap.

Rhinos. They're far away, but still pretty impressive looking. Behind them is a lake, with a pink shoreline. It's pink because there are thousands of flamingos hanging out.

Kate and I holding a pair of chameleons. These guys are ferocious. One bit my thumb off.

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