- "A bit chilly out. Had to wear a jacket."
- "Yep."
But at the beginning of the week it was still definitely mild out there. Nice enough that I had dinner outside at two different restaurants.
First Oleana. The meal was great and being outdoors on their private patio was fun.

Second was Olecito. I think it's well-known as the burrito bar sibling of Ole. Check out their website with their lucha libre mascot. Their outdoor seating was a metal table out back in the parking lot under a lamp and four chairs that belong in a local social hall. The food was tasty and despite the lack of a created "atmosphere" it was still a great dining experience.

All the chefs listed on Oleana's menu are women! Menu looks great. Would have needed DG to interpret a bunch of the items for me (Dukkah?). It's still Indian summer here. Time for you and KM to visit the sis-tee-ugler.
Please send the heroic burrito makers of Olecito my regards. Also, are they selling shirts yet?
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