In an effort to help save the world, I gave blood at Mass. General this morning. It was my first time donating and a pretty quick, easy experience. While I was sitting in the chair giving blood, I was thinking about all the shopping trips we do at our apartment. Specifically, I was thinking about how quickly we go through bananas. The last time we went to the store I bought 10 bananas for the house. Before the end of the second day, they were all gone. This is a lot of bananas. Which reminds me of this time I ate a lot of bananas back in high school.
Dianne had just come back from the store, and had bought five bananas. And I was pretty hungry, as I'd probably just come back from practice or something. So I had a banana. And since it was really good, and everyone knows that bananas are the greatest snack ever, partly because they come in their own disposable wrapper, I had a second banana. I ran off to my room, thinking, "man, I'm still pretty hungry..." So I came back to the kitchen and had a third banana.
At this point only two of the five original bananas remained. To be honest, the fourth banana was a blur. I don't really remember eating it, though I do remember throwing out the peel and thinking, "there's four banana peels in the garbage. That's pretty funny." My thoughts then turned to the fact that if I'd come this far, I might as well eat the fifth banana. So I did just that.
Dianne realized a while later that there were no bananas on the fruit stand and figured she'd forgotten them in the car when she unloaded the groceries, so she checked the trunk. When she returned I told her that I'd eaten all five. She didn't really believe me and just assumed that she'd forgotten them in her cart at the supermarket. Then she checked the garbage and saw five banana peels and realized what I'd done and laughed at me.
And that's the story. I'm sure you can't believe that I just wrote all this about eating bananas. I can't believe it either. But going back to when I was sitting at the blood center... I think the moral of the story, if there is one, is that bananas are a great thing. And that while my housemates may be prolific in their consumption, I am a bigger fan than they can possibly fathom.