You know that $50 billion dollars that went missing recently? Well I think I found some of it. It's in my 401(k).
Check this out. This is an actual screenshot of my 401(k) account, as reported by, a free financial tool that I previously deemed "pretty cool." Now I'm deeming it "amazing beyond belief." Below is exactly how my account is appearing online. I've only edited the image to blur out personal info and to highlight the amount of money that I apparently have in Fidelity's Contrafund.

There's $13 billion in my account? $13 BILLION? Magical. I'm not even joking about this. I'll sign on and show you myself. I have $13 billion in my retirement account. I'll be quitting work immediately.
You are the WINNER!!!! you get to treat us all to 2/09/09!!!!
You really ought to take all that money out now and go buy yourself a private island somewhere. Let us all know where you settle down so we can come visit on our vacations.
CONGRATS, Aaron!!! I always believed in you.
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