More on drinks

Part of the reason grabbing a Coke is so great and so rewarding is that alternatives for getting a drink aren't great. Water is sold in restaurants and on the street in packets, like the one here.
The packets are the size and shape of a large bean bag, they're completely sealed, and they cost about three cents. To drink them, one bites off the corner and squeezes/slurps. It's mildly amusing the first few times.

However just like in the States, packaged water isn't necessarily spring water. It can simply be taken from the tap and bottled up. And that poses a problem here in SL. There are dozens and dozens of brands for sale on the street and I've only come to know a couple of them.

Which brings me back to my options for a cold drink on a hot day. Often a soft drink is a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ever heard of bottled water being just tap water, with the plastic cap re-melted to make it "sealed"? All sorts of tricks. Ick. Even I drank bottled soda everywhere (not something I enjoy) because it seemed safer.