Tufts Alumni 0; Tufts Hillel 1

This week I got mail from Tufts Hillel. I think I'm making too big a deal of it, but the fact that the mail reached me absolutely blows my mind.

The Tufts Alumni Network has been trying to reach me, and while I'm interested in staying in touch with them, I prefer to hear about them through emails rather than mail. And if I do want to hear from them more, I'll let them know.

But the fact that Hillel has found me... I honestly don't know what to say. I can't imagine how they did it. Score one for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's a joke that circulates that claims an alum of an elite university will never be a missing person. Move incognito to Barbados... the taxman may be befuddled, but the alumni fund never. --EW