Going neutral

So this is just a great site, and I can't begin to take any credit for stumbling upon it. cheatneutral.com is a service that claims to let you "offset" your infidelities by contributing to a fund that supports monogamous relationships. In reality, it's satire that goes after the idea of being carbon neutral and purchasing carbon offsets. I think the analogy is perfect.

Poke around the site a little bit to find out about the supposed benefit of being "cheat neutral." For someone who can't help but cheat on their significant other, they can simply contribute to a fund that supports someone else who's able to stay committed. Of course it's a little bit ludicrous to condone cheating. The site points out that carbon offsetting is equally irresponsible. When a business claims to be carbon neutral by paying someone to plant some trees somewhere, they're giving up on conservation (or fidelity in the case of this analogy).

I really think that being able to make an eye-opening analogy is the sign of true intelligence. You're able to draw parallels and make someone understand a topic they might not otherwise comprehend. In this case cheatneutral has made a brilliant analogy.

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