- Sastre won the Tour today
- Spaniard Rafael Nadal won Wimbledon on July 21st in an epic match versus Roger Federer
- Spain beat Germany in the Euro Cup final on June 29th
Sastre claimed the Tour leader's yellow jersey on Wednesday after a huge win at L'Alpe-d'Huez and carried the jersey through today's finish in Paris. Following his victory there in the French Alps on Wednesday, however,
he wasn't presented with the yellow jersey by the usual
Podium Girls. Instead, Sastre was congratulated on the podium by actor Michael Douglas and the Miami Heat's Pat Riley. Wait, what? Are you kidding me? What are these dudes doing hanging out together at the Tour de France, and why are they presenting awards? I hope Sastre didn't have to exchange bisous (that's the French "kiss-kiss") which is standard for the podium. I'm dumbfounded. And also dumbfounded that these two are not related. They look so similar...

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