An Open Letter to Candy, Inc. (Part II)

Though it seems unconventional, candy on Memorial Day could be the next big thing. The holiday (on May 28th this year) commemorates all those who served in American wars. And while I think little chocolate tombstones might be over the top, what about little candy bullets? It's easy to make jelly bean bullets and gummy bullets and chocolate bullets. You could very easily have multiple sizes (from little hand gun bullets to machine gun bullets, right on up to big chunks of chocolate the size of big mortars. )

Perhaps it's a little grotesque... but you could say the same for hunting for eggs on Easter. Plus our country already has a supposed military-industrial complex, I think the natural progression of this is the military-confectionary complex.

--On a sidenote, someone pointed out that while I alluded to candy-bare months stretching from May through October, May does have another holiday with some chocolate involved. However Mother's Day (on the 12th this year) includes only some of the population, notably not ME, which is probably why I forgot about it. Thank you for the input.


Anonymous said...

Candy for July 4th? Could be the next hot thing...

Anonymous said...

Oops! That was from me! -EW